
Peptide Therapeutics Forum Basel 出展のご案内


開催日 2024年8月22日(木)
開催地 海外

Peptide Therapeutics Forum Basel(Thu, 22 Aug, 2024 - Fri, 23 Aug, 2024 @Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41, Basel, Basel, 4056, Switzerland)
Peptide Therapeutics Forum Baselに出展致します。弊社ブースにぜひお立ち寄りください

詳細:This event provides an innovative platform to exchange on the various aspects of drug development with a focus on peptides.Similar to previous events in the framework of Basel Life, presentations highlights important new insights regarding the drug discovery of peptides including examples for successful development candidates. The forum disseminates information on latest news in the broad field of therapeutic peptides and enables networking of interested parties from academia and industries.Bachem is attending the Peptide Therapeutics Forum with a booth and supports this event with a Gold Sponsorship.

Riccardo Bernasconi, Director Business Development  
Bernd Raschack, Senior Business Development Manager  
Martin Geissman, Global Head Recruitment


