
Bachemウェビナー "Reducing solvent consumption with Peptide Easy Clean"


開催日 2022年9月23日(金)
開催地 Web

【開催日時】 2022年9月23日(金) 1:30~2:30(60分間)

【参加費】  無料(事前登録制)

【受講方法】 オンライン

ペプチドベースの医薬品の開発と製造には、有害な試薬と膨大な量の有機溶剤が必要です。 Belyntic の Peptide Easy Clean (PEC) テクノロジーのような Catch-and-release methodsは、オペレーション全体のエコロジカル フットプリントを大幅に改善することができます。 ハイスループットから大規模プロジェクトまで、PEC はグリーン固相ペプチド合成 (SPPS) をを沈殿のない後処理および溶媒消費量の少ない精製方法と組み合わせて、環境に優れたソリューションを実現します。 このウェビナーでは、この分野の現在の進歩に焦点を当て、green Bivalirudin製造などの業界の例を紹介します。
Developing and producing peptide-based drugs requires toxic reagents and enormous amounts of organic solvents. Catch-and-release methods, like Belyntic’s Peptide Easy Clean (PEC) technology, can significantly improve the ecological footprint of the entire operation. From high-throughput to large-scale projects, PEC combines green solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) with a precipitation-free workup and a low solvent-consuming purification method to enable an environmentally superior solution. This webinar highlights the current advancements in this field, showcasing industry examples like green Bivalirudin manufacturing.

Gavin T. Noble
 is process optimisation chemist at Bachem UK St Helens and had the leading role at Bachem in the investigation of the Peptide Easy Clean platform. Prior to Bachem, he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at The University of Notre Dame (USA), researching peptide-targeted liposome nanoparticles for cancer and antimalarial therapies. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester (UK). He has published several peer-reviewed articles in high impact journals during both his academic studies and career at Bachem.
Robert Zitterbart is Co-Founder and Head of R&D at Belyntic GmbH, Berlin. There he is focusing on developing linker systems to purify and modify peptides. He has almost a decade of experience in the development of peptide purification technologies. After his diploma at the University of California, Berkeley, he earned his Ph.D. at Humboldt-University, Berlin. During his scientific career, Robert has successfully published many articles in peer reviewed journals.

Dominik Sarma earned hisPh.D. in advanced analytical materials at the Humboldt-University Berlin. Along with Robert Zitterbart, Oliver Reimann, and Andreas Regnery, he founded Belyntic in 2018. Together, they developed the first universally applicable, cleavable linker for catch-and-release peptide purification and modification. Dominik is the director of marketing and quality at Belyntic.


