
Three distinct analytical ultracentrifugation methods for virus and viral vector characterizations


開催日 2023年7月27日(木)
開催地 Web

内山進教授(ユー・メディコCSO)が、BECKMAN COUTER Life Science主催のWebセミナーにて講演いたします。

The demands of characterization and quality control of viral vectors and viruses for therapeutic purposes are rapidly increasing. One of the critical quality attributes is a quantitative description of the particle size distribution including analysis of empty, partial, and full particles, as well as aggregates.

Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), which was developed for the size distribution analysis of particles in solution by Dr. Theodor Svedberg more than 100 years ago, has been used extensively for the characterization of biopolymers and synthetic polymers. Most recently, modern AUC instruments which utilize direct boundary fitting of sedimentating boundary data have emerged, and the enthusiastic development of analytical software like Sedfit, Ultrascan, DCDT+, SedAnal, and Sednterp has greatly extended the range of applications accessible to AUC.

Sedimentation velocity AUC (SV-AUC) is considered a gold standard method for the size distribution analysis of viral vectors for gene therapy, but several orthogonal AUC methods are appropriate, including band sedimentation AUC (BS-AUC) and density gradient equilibrium AUC (DGE-AUC).

In this webinar, these three AUC methods for the characterization of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors will be explained including the principle of each method, examples of data analysis, and the relationship of the results from the three methods.

・ The advantages and use cases for SV-, DGE-, and BS-AUC
・ Analyzing and interpreting AAV data from each method
・ How to utilize each method to obtain a more holistic description of AAV particles



  • 住所大阪府吹田市山田丘 大阪大学フォトニクスセンター502
  • TEL06-6155-7835
  • URLhttps://u-medico.co.jp/
