
「細胞代謝の評価方法と応用例」Methods and applications for the assessment of cellular metabolism


開催日 2023年1月19日(木)
開催地 Web

【開催日時】 2023年1月19日(木) am1:00 ※日本時間

【参加費】  無料(事前登録制)

【受講方法】 オンライン

【講演内容】 『細胞代謝の評価方法と応用例』
Cellular metabolism has gained relevance in the last two decades as a core biological process that is tightly intertwined with cellular function.
Accumulating evidence shows how modifications of intracellular metabolic activity contribute to modulating different biological processes, such as immune cell activation or carcinogenesis and tumor progression, among others. This renaissance in metabolism has been possible with the advent of different technologies that enable the robust determination of different parameters related to cellular metabolic fluxes, such as mitochondrial respiration, fatty acid oxidation or glycolytic activity. Many research groups are benefitting from these technological approaches to gain insight into the metabolic biology that underlies carcinogenesis and tumor progression and metastasis, as well as modulation of immune responses. Understanding how intracellular metabolic networks operate in different cancer and immune cells may also provide new targets for therapeutic intervention.

This webcast will discuss some of the latest technological approaches to assess intracellular metabolism, with a focus on how this technology development has helped advance the fields of cancer metabolism and immunometabolism.

This webcast has been produced by Nature MethodsNature Metabolism and Nature Reviews Methods Primers, who retain sole responsibility for content.

Jing Fan

Principal Investigator
Morgridge Institute for Research and University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sarah-Maria Fendt
Principal Investigator, Professor
KU Leuven, Belgium

Alvaro Elorza Godoy
Principal Investigator, Professor
Universidad Andres Bello, Chile.



